Sunday, June 10, 2012

1 Year Blogiversary!!

Well, time sure flies when you're having fun!

It's hard to believe that I've been blogging for 1 year!! 

Let's see, I guess I'll need to make some goals for the 2nd year.

1) Spend more quality time reading bible.

2) Snag another publishing contract!

3) Lose weight--bikini ready by next summer! (hmm, I think I had this same goal last year. LOL!!)

4) Finish my current manuscript.

5) Complete rough draft of at least 2 more manuscripts.  (I actually have 6 books outlined ready to start)

6) Maintain healthy eating habits.

7) Compete in a 5k.

8) Be more aware of the words that I speak. Stay positive, cancel the negative.

9) Teach my dog some tricks.

10) Write, write, write!!!



  1. Congrats, Beth. And good luck with your goals. I set that weight-loss and that 5K goal every year...still haven't done them. :)

  2. LOL!! This is our year, Linda!! :)
