Sunday, August 12, 2012


I received some news the other day that left me a little stressed. Ever have one of those days when everything was going great and just one email, or phone call or visit just completely throws you into turmoil.

Well, that was me the other day. Has your brain ever been so overwhelmed, you didn't know where to start to sort it all out. You try to quiet your mind, but it refuses to cooperate with you. You even try to meditate or pray and the only thing yelling out is: What am I going to do? How am I going to fix this?  Not sure where to start, which way to go or what to think about first.

Well, I have the solution!  Here's what you do. Grab your ipod, lace up your sneakers and go for a nice, long, walk. I went out on a 5 mile trek around the neighborhood.

Mile 1: Mind still very much cluttered, hard to get moving.
Mile 2: Picked up the pace a little, not really in to the music.
Mile 3: Picked up pace a little more, listening to the inspiring lyrics from the songs.
Mile 4: Pep in my step, mind clearing, starting to sing along.
Mile 5: Speed walking, arms pumping, singing out loud & happy!

Was the problem solved by walking? No. But it helped to calm my mind, body & spirit.

When you're in  panic mode, the problem seems insolvable. You're reaction is frantic and fearful, you have a pity-party  and you tend to make bad decisions you will regret later.

When you're in a calmer state of mind, it's easier to 'hear' what is necessary to resolve the situation.

Give it a try! Not only will you feel better, but you may drop a few pounds while doing it :)


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